
1975 – No Nukes becomes an international movement

February 1975: Citizens in Wyhl, Germany occupy the construction site of a proposed nuclear power plant in the first mass ...

1977 Seabrook occupation

This was the cover of the nonviolence training and affinity group manual for the 1977 occupation of the Seabrook nuclear ...

1978 – The No Nukes movement explodes nationwide.

1978: The No Nukes movement explodes nationwide. Journalist Richard Asinof reports on its growth in South Carolina as demonstrators blockade ...

1979 – VYDA at National Guard Armory

In September 1979, more than 200 people were arrested at the Vermont Yankee Plant. This photo shows a group of ...

1981 – Massachusetts Town Meetings vote to reject…

1981: Community organizer Al Giordano, 21, announces to the media that 106 of 352 municipalities in Massachusetts have passed Town ...

1981 – VYDA occupation of Vermont governor’s office

The people in suits are occupying the lobby of the Vermont governor's office in December 1981 to demand that then ...