By Year

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Lovejoy’s Nuclear War

The story of Montague, Massachusetts organic farmer Sam Lovejoy who toppled the 500 foot weather tower for a nuclear plant ...


1975 – No Nukes becomes an international movement

February 1975: Citizens in Wyhl, Germany occupy the construction site of a proposed nuclear power plant in the first mass ...


The Last Resort: Organized Opposition in Seabrook

Excerpts from a documentary on the birth of the Clamshell Alliance, the first nonviolence civil disobedience actions against nuclear power ...

Occupation: Training for Nonviolence

Includes audio and images from the very first nonviolence training session held by the Clamshell Alliance in 1976 to train ...

Clam Magic: The Birth of a National Anti-Nuclear Movement

A Chapter from the Oral History of How the No Nukes Movement (1973-1982) Saved the United States and Maybe the ...


“Seabrook ’77” – Trailer

Documentary filmmaker Robbie Leppzer was 19 when he directed this film on the April 30, 1977 occupation of the Seabrook ...

1977 Seabrook occupation

This was the cover of the nonviolence training and affinity group manual for the 1977 occupation of the Seabrook nuclear ...


1978 – The No Nukes movement explodes nationwide.

1978: The No Nukes movement explodes nationwide. Journalist Richard Asinof reports on its growth in South Carolina as demonstrators blockade ...


1979 – VYDA Occupation of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant

On September 23, 1979 the Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance called for a nonviolent occupation of the state’s lone nuclear plant ...

The Original “Occupy Wall Street” in 1979

On October 29, 1979, the 50th anniversary of the crash of the stock exchange, tens of thousands of citizens converged ...

1979 – VYDA at National Guard Armory

In September 1979, more than 200 people were arrested at the Vermont Yankee Plant. This photo shows a group of ...


The No Nukes Movement – Vermont Yankee 1980

In April of 1980 hundreds of citizens trained in nonviolence blockaded the gates of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant for ...

1980 – VYDA blockade armband

Armband from VYDA blockade of the nuclear plant gates on April 5th, 1980 ...

1980 – 1,000 Protest Peacefully at Vermont Yankee

The March 30, 1980 silent march from Brattleboro to Vermont Yankee in Vernon was the largest protest in Southern Vermont ...


1981 – Massachusetts Town Meetings vote to reject…

1981: Community organizer Al Giordano, 21, announces to the media that 106 of 352 municipalities in Massachusetts have passed Town ...


Choose Life: One Million March in New York

In the spring of 1982 more than a million citizens marched on the United Nations in New York for a ...

1982 – Vermonters to New York City for Nuclear Freeze March

In the early 1980s, Vermonters voted in 177 Town Meetings to support a freeze on nuclear weapons. In 1982, they ...